Why join us?

By joining the Aero Club of East Africa you will become part of one of the oldest clubs in Africa, have the chance to socialize and meet fellow aviators and enjoy a host of benefits for you and your family.

Discounts on Accommodation & Dining

25% off Lodging

AMREF Maisha Bronze Membership

Free AMREF Bronze Membership for primary member.

Aviation Benefits

Aircraft parking area
Assistances with processing flight plans
Passenger tax
Renewal of pilot licenses

How to join

The Aero Club of East Africa is always pleased to welcome new members, temporary members and foreign air crew.

  • Find a proposer and a seconder (must have been members for at least three years)

    Joining fee is Kshs 250,000/- (under 30 yrs - 50%)
    Annual subscription:

    • Full member (Nairobi resident) - Kshs 35,500/-
    • Country member (Kenyan Resident outside Nairobi) - Kshs 27,200/-
    • Overseas member - Kshs 16,300/-
    • Senior Members - 50%

    Subscriptions are due on 1st January of each year.

Click here to download a Membership Application Form, fill it and thereafter kindly email it to Membershipdesk@aeroclubea.com

Foreign Aircrew

  • Foreign aircrew may become temporary members of the Club and may use the facilities on a daily basis (upon presentation of valid aircrew identification)
  • There is no fee for this category of temporary membership, which is valid for up to seven days per visit.